Faewynne is the name of a large continent that is home to all Mortals and Mongrels. While the world does have many more continents where the Celestials make their homes, all Mortals were exiled to live on this one continent. Celestials use Faywynne as if it was a petri dish for their Mongrel experiments.

Fungal Cap Woods:
A forest that is made up of fungus, molds, and mushrooms. There are reports of a dangerous cordyceps infection infecting some of the wildlife here but some risk going as it’s pretty and some rare and tasty mushrooms grow in abundance here.

Saddlewood Swamp:
A swamp with all sorts of unique plants and animals. Famous for its massive bugs, gators, and giant flytraps.

Teralon Forest:
The largest forest range on Faewynne. Massive trees block the sun and shy wildlife live in the shadows. It has some of the most beautiful autumns.

Northwyr Thicket:
The second largest forest is an ever green forest. Big game animals and large predators can be found in and around this thicket.

Crystalline Fields:
A strange place of magic. Crystals grow from the ground constantly and are imbued with strange energy. They’re very pretty and are often harvested for jewelry and technology.

The Kaleidoscope Desert:
A massive desert that’s nothing but sand for miles and miles. The occasional cactus can be found dotting the landscape. This desert is strange as it’s made up of multiple different colors of sand; red, white, black, and brown.

Athnear Tropics:
A hot and muggy location where ferns and tropical trees grow. There’s all sort of fruit and colorful wildlife here.

The Deadlands:
A place where life seems to fade. Tar-pits and old bones from long dead beast litter the grounds here. Plants struggle to survive here.

The Savannah:
A beautiful place full of life despite the harsher conditions. Luxodonts, big cats, and much much more call this place home.

Dragon Claws Mountain Range:
A long Mountian range that splits the continent. Mountains small and big make up the range along with a long and winding cave system.

Sunken Ruins of Alloan:
Before there was magic, this ancient city stood. It was the center of the old world, full of amazing technology and a hub of trade. Once magic came to be and reshaped the world, the city was overtaken by the sea.

Golden Grasslands:
A field of golden colored grasses that stretches for miles and miles. You can find herds of grazing animals here, even some rare ones like the lesser unicorns.

The Twins:
The only active volcanoes on Faewynne. They constantly spew ash and smoke into the air. Travelers be wary as sometimes they do erupt and cause damaging effects.

The Trinity Fissure:
This fissure was ripped open by an angry Celestial long ago when the Celestial war was still raging. Magic stones and crystals with magnetic effects can be found deeper down. There are some small mining towns within the cave filled walls.

The Kingdom of Arbin Heights:
A kingdom carved into the mountains, and whose peak city is made from the stone that was mined away.

Fierian Hollows:
A kingdom sequestered away in a dense forest. They hope that the dense foliage will keep Mongrels away. It is known for its berries and lumber.

Dust was originally the ruins of an ancient city, but people came and started building into the ruins. There’s a mix of a bunch of new and old structures that look kind of messy. It’s a popular trade hub as it’s the only sustainable city in the desert, but there is also a lot of crime here.

The newest Kingdom that borders the grasslands and Savannah. The lack of trees and the very flat land makes it very windy here. Tornadoes are not uncommon, but the residents survive just fine.

This Kingdom is a secretive place where most are not allowed out and no one allowed in. If trading goods it must be done outside its walls. It was built to keep Celestials from stealing their women and to keep Mongrels out.

A ever growing community ran by a mongrel called Dyo. It’s a safe haven for mongrels who willingly follow Dyo’s rule…if not they will be hunted.

Faewynne Fun Facts!

  • Wyverns are a very common sight here. They come in many different breeds and sizes. Smallest ones can be the size of finches while others can be horse sized and used as mounts. They’re also nicknamed false-dragons.

  • Many animals actually look like Celestials despite having no celestial ancestry. Lesser Unicorns, Mini-Manticores, Wyverns, etc. fall into this.

  • Faewynne is about the size of all of North America.



The Celestials are powerful, almost God-like beings, who are functionally immortal. They were formed when magic arrived to the world via a cataclysmic event. They view the mortals of the land as if they are lesser and made to be used. Each Celestial is unique even within their race and can shape shift into smaller disguises if needed. The Celestials all represent one of the 5 natural elements;Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Growth.Back when Celestials first appeared to the world, there were hundreds of different kinds, all unique. The world was crowded with them all and despite all being functionally immortal and couldn't die from age, they could be killed by one another. By the end of it all only five Celestials, one of each surviving element survived. Satisfied with their wins and relative peace, they all wished to build. Celestials are egotistical beings, so of course they took what was around them to make figures based in their own element. What was around them? Flesh. Celestial bodies from the war littered the ground so the survivors cleaved away their golden flesh and blood and shaped figures. Much to their surprise these figures came to life, based on the element of who crafted them.No new Celestials have been created in eons as all the old Celestial flesh and blood has been used up. The only way for new ones to be made are if a Celestial decided to cleave off part of their own flesh or kill another.

Celestial Facts!

  • Celestials can only create magic related to their element.

  • These beings are extremely rare to find and most who find them do not survive. There's only a population of three thousand or so Celestials in the entire world.

  • They have no sex and view gender as a very mortal thing.

  • Celestials are not super creative as they are limited by their ego. The most they do is experiment on mortal celestial hybrids called Mongrels, just so they can maybe make more celestials one day.

  • Celestials and their Mongrel children have a very unique magic signature that can be detected.

  • Celestials are commonly designed after mythical creatures like Dragons, Leviathans, Unicorns, Sphinxes, etc.


Mortals all originated from humans. Humans were around long before magic was violently thrusted into their world. Once magic had infected every inch of their world, some humans began to change, some more than others. Some grew pointed ears, while others were born with some animalistic features like antlers or wings like a bird. All are still human at heart and human features are the most prominent features of mortals. Unchanged or ‘Pure’ humans tend to be held in higher regard than those whose bloodline has mutated by magic as mortals do not like the Celestials and the pain they brought to their world.Mortals have managed to control some of the magic around them. Their lack of connection to only one element has been their greatest ally. Mortals can mix and match differing elements to create more advanced and even new magics not even the Celestials can wield. All mortal magic is weaker than Celestial and Mongrel magics, but the sheer diversity can cause a possibly deadly challenge for any Mongrel and even pester Celestials.

Mortal Facts!

  • All mortals tend to call themselves Human no matter their look, but Mongrels, Celestials, and the more more ‘pure’ humans will call them Mortals.

  • Mortal magic has near infinite possibilities. Imagine the Infinite Miner browser game but with magic. This means magic can be very silly like a ray of jelly beans.

  • Their technology is a mix of steampunk, dieselpunk, modern tech, and mad max in aesthetic. A lot of the tech is powered by magic.

  • Despite their hatred for the Celestials, Celestials are often used as sigils for kingdoms as they wish to relate to powerful beings.

  • Mortals will hunt and kill Mongrels to study them and to help cull the Celestial touch from their lands. Sometimes they are captured alive to be studied on, but this is rare.


Mongrels are what you get when the Celestials meld their own magic into the flesh of Mortals. This is done by Celestials kidnapping pregnant women, ripping out the fetus and shoving it into an animal’s egg to further incubate it. The egg is filled with the Celestial’s blood and after a few weeks or months, a Mongrel hatches. Mongrels do not have the same baby stage human’s do. When they hatch they are able to walk and learn to talk soon after; imagine their age being that of a 4-5 year old toddler right out of the age. Mongrels are not immortal but do tend to have longer life spans than Mortals, living to be around 1000 years...This age is rarely reached as Mongrels are usually killed before ever reaching such an age.It is uncommon but two Celestials will spill their blood into the same egg. It is even more uncommon for the Celestial parents to be of different elements. These uncommon fusions tend to merge the element into one element, for example; Water and Fire Celestials having a Mongrel that can control only steam. Three or more Celestials mixing blood is nearly unheard of as they don't get along well and the ones who did tried ended up causing the mortal fetus to die from magical overload. Mortal flesh can only take so much.Mongrels look much like mutated humans, taking elements from their celestial parents; Feathers and wings for example for those formed with Phoenix blood. By looks alone it can be hard to tell who is a Mongrel or who is a regular Mortal, detection magic has been created by mortals to find those carrying Celestial blood. Mongrels can also be found out by looking at their blood; it’ll be red but will have a sparkling and metallic look to it. Once the blood dries it will have a golden sheen to it.Mongrels have more powerful magic than regular Mortals but are also less powerful than Celestial magic. Mongrels are unable to access any other magic outside the element they are born with. This also means they struggle to use magic items as many magic items are made to work only in mortal hands as a precaution.Mongrels are able to shift into more monstrous forms resembling their Celestial parents. In this form they are extra dangerous as they lose their ability to control themselves, going into full rampages. Mongrel hunters try to take out Mongrels from a distance to prevent this from happening. Mongrels are unable to control when they go into this form and it only happens when under immense attacks.

Mongrel Facts!

  • Mongrels are unable to breed. They are always sterile in a similar vein to mules.

  • Mongrel’s animalistic features can be more prominent than any Mortal could ever have, though these features must relate to their parent Celestial(s).

  • Mongrels have limited shape shifting ability but it still must align with their celestial parents so no kraken kid being able to make wings.

  • Mongrels with two different element parents don’t get both powers and usually neither of those powers. Like a chemical reaction the elements are fused into something new, for example; Air and water making a kid that has electrical powers. The kid cannot bend air or fire.